Daylight Produce
“To every class we went, we would realize all the mistakes we were making, we would say ‘It already happened to us’. After going through the program, we started making changes in a more professional manner.”
-Juan Carlos Lopez, owner

Juan Carlos Lopez, with the support of his family moved to Sacramento from Nevada 6 years ago to make his dream come true of expanding his own business “Daylight Produce”, which focuses on the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables. After running their business for 7 years only focusing on produce, they decided it was time to grow and offer more products to their customers.
As most small business entrepreneurs, Juan Carlos and Juani started their business lacking one of the most important components (managing, growth, and expansion). Juan Carlos understood the importance of managing a business and knowing that he was lacking those skills, he looked for assistance at the CA Hispanic SBDC. After meeting Oscar Garcia and Edith Gomez, Juan Carlos, and his wife Juani enrolled in the Programa Hispano, a business development program where they learned the concepts of business management, bookkeeping, and financial management to grow a business.
Juan Carlos López, con el apoyo de su familia, se mudaron a Sacramento de Nevada hace 6 años. Su propósito era hacer realidad su sueño de expandir su negocio “Daylight Produce”, el cual ya operaba hacia 7 años. Su enfoque era en la importancia de las frutas y verduras frescas, pero después de centrarse únicamente en productos agrícolas, decidieron que era hora de crecer y ofrecer más productos a sus clientes.
Como la mayoría de los empresarios, Juan Carlos y Juani comenzaron su negocio sin los componentes más importantes (administración, crecimiento y expansión). Ellos entendían que la administración de un negocio era importante, y sabiendo que les faltaban esas habilidades, buscaron ayuda en CA Hispanic SBDC. Después de conocer a Oscar García y Edith Gómez, Juan Carlos y Juani se inscribieron en un programa de desarrollo empresarial donde aprendieron los conceptos de gestión empresarial y financiera para hacer crecer un negocio.
Juan Carlos and his family kept close contact with Oscar Garcia and Edith Gomez who helped them along the way as their consultants. To every class they attended they learned something new and applied to their business in a very professional manner. Juan Carlos’ plan is to do everything right; to have the right insurance, the right management system, reduce expenses, licenses, bookkeeping etc. Mr. Garcia and Ms. Gomez would go out of their way to help Daylight Produce in the best way they could.
Juan Carlos y su familia mantuvieron un contacto cercano con Oscar y Edith, quienes los ayudaron en el camino como sus consultantes. A cada clase que asistían aprendían algo nuevo y lo aplicaban a su negocio de una manera muy profesional. El plan de Juan Carlos era hacerlo todo bien; tener el seguro y el sistema de gestión adecuados, licencias, contabilidad, reducir gastos, etc. El Sr. García y la Srita. Gómez hicieron siempre todo lo posible para ayudar a “Daylight Produce” de la mejor manera posible.
During the course and after the program, the Lopez’ family received and continue to receive one-on-one consulting and advice from our business experts. As of today, Juan Carlos was able to apply and receive the Economic Injury Disaster Loan in the amount of $350,000 dollars that will utilize to expand his business, introduce new products to the market, and hire new staff.
Since receiving assistance and advice from CA Hispanic SBDC Juan Carlos and Juani Lopez have been able to manage their business better and increase their revenue from $850,000 dollars to 1.6 million dollars in 2021. In addition, Daylight Produce is now working in building a kitchen where they will be able to sell homemade Mexican food, and eventually build a tortilleria.
Durante el programa, la familia López recibió y continúa recibiendo consultoría y asesoramiento de nuestros expertos. Juan Carlos pudo solicitar y recibir el préstamo EIDL por un monto de $350,000 dólares que utilizará para expandir su negocio, introducir nuevos productos al mercado y contratar nuevo personal.
Desde que recibieron asistencia en CA Hispanic SBDC, Juan Carlos y Juani López han podido administrar mejor su negocio y aumentar sus ingresos de $850,000 dólares a 1.6 millones de dólares en 2021. Además, están trabajando en la construcción de una cocina donde podrán vender comida mexicana casera y eventualmente construir una tortillería.
“We’re glad to have found the CA Hispanic SBDC/Programa Hispano because it helped us to manage our business better and empowered us to expand our products and services. Knowing that we have the resources and technical assistance gives us the confidence that we will be successful.”
Juan Carlos Lopez, Daylight produce, ceo