Bee Happy Today
“Pam was absolutely incredible to work with! She is a powerhouse at what she does and very knowledgeable with social media/branding. I highly recommend her and have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with her. Thank you!”
Bee Happy Today is an apparel brand that sells inspirational apparel created to inspire those who wear it and read it. Its mission is to spread hope-filled, inspiring, positive messages.
Starting a company without any business background can be nerve-racking and stressful, but Debbie is living proof that with hard work and perseverance, not only can it be accomplished , but also extremely rewarding.
Although Debbie did not intend her talent and passion to become a business, once her friend taught her how to silk screen, her art project started to be highly regarded by her peers and friends. Indeed it was during craft fairs that Debbie caught onto how much people were drawn to “bee happy”, and in her mind there was no doubt that spreading affirmations and positive messages was her calling.
However, time and money were serious concerns that came in between Debbie and her dream, and also prevented her from taking that leap of investing in herself and her business without a guarantee of success. Nonetheless, knowing how important it is to support women owned businesses and female entrepreneurs, the SBDC was glad to help Debbie make “Bee Happy Today” a reality.
When Debbie met with Pam, one of our advisors, she only had 1 full-time staff employee, and she needed help with digital media marketing. As regards money, this client was in need of capital and the pandemic had only worsened the cash position, which is why it became imperative to work on the company’s financial statements and future projections to come up with a successful business plan.
To address these issues, Debbie hired a virtual assistant to facilitate her company’s presence in social media, and she also worked on her blog to build up the engagement and overall sales, while simultaneously receiving guidance and feedback from Pam, which provided a safe place without any judgement. Moreover, no sooner had Debbie started working with a graphic designer and started doing fundraising events, than her shows and invites rose up. Debbie also received some guidance and assistance with applying for the COVID-19 EIDL(Economic Injury Disaster Loan).
As a result of working with the SBDC, Debbie’s dedication and hard work finally paid off, which can be easily proven by an increase of 4 in Part-Time staff, as well as a $1000 change in sales. Bee Happy Today was also approved for the EIDL for a sum of $3000, and the COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program for $5000, while also receiving a $5000 Lendistry Grant.
At present, Debbie runs a very successful business, with lots of supportive followers who fell in love with her work and wish to also fill their lives with hope and inspiration. Bee Happy Today is a reminder that one can choose to be happy and amazing and part of the SBDC’s mission is to provide the help entrepreneurs and businesses may need to have a great impact in their community.