NorCal SBDC Affiliate Program, Hacker Lab, Presents: Website Basics for Small Businesses & Freelancers
Event Details
Currently there are numerous options for individuals & small businesses to set up and manage their own websites with little to no technical background.
This class will provide an overview of the current popular options for setting up a website with ZERO coding experience, including:
- Squarespace
- WordPress with a theme or sitebuilder
- Godaddy site builder
- Wix
- Shopify
- Domains & customized email
Our aim is to help you learn what the strengths & weaknesses of each are, what’s involved in setting them up, and a basic background on the internet to help inform your decisions as to whether website self-management is right for your business.
This class is perfect for the entrepreneur working on their next passion project, the Sole Proprietor who needs a business website, the hobbyist looking to start a blog or that person wanting to build a resume site to really shine in the interview process! We’ll also cover setting up that coveted custom-branded email address to make you look super professional, and an overview of the domain name registration process.